Допомога Україні
If you are looking to host someone from Ukraine, please scroll down to the ‘For Hosts’ section or take a look at our Sponsoring Stages.
Якщо ви з України, прокрутіть униз до розділу «Для українців».

Для українців // For Ukrainians
По-перше – ласкаво просимо. Це, звичайно, не найкращі умови для вашого візиту, але ми хочемо, щоб ваше перебування тут було якомога кращим, і ми повністю пропонуємо вам наші будинки та наші серця.
Підтримка розвивається, тому будь ласка, будьте терплячі з нами, але просіть те, що вам потрібно – ми всі намагатимемося допомогти.
Що доступно на даний момент:
– Уроки англійської мови в Victoria Centre, Wellingborough, щоп’ятниці, 10:00-12:00
– Група підтримки в Victoria Centre, Wellingborough, щоп’ятниці, 11:30-14:00
– Група підтримки в Living Centre, Corby, щоп. вівторок, 09:00-12:00
21 травня з 11:30 до 13:30 відбудеться перша сесія підтримки Kettering у ‘Kettering Arts Center’ – це буде як для господарів, так і для українських гостей, щоб усі отримали підтримку.
Корисні групи:
Wellingborough Ukrainian guests and sponsors | Facebook
Kettering Refugee Assistance | Facebook
Firstly – welcome. It is of course not good circumstances for your visit but we want to make your stay here as good as it can be, and we offer our homes and our hearts to you totally.
The support is developing, so please be patient with us but do ask for what you need – we will all try our best to help.
What is available so far:
– English lessons at the Victoria Centre, Wellingborough, every Friday, 10:00-12:00
– Support group at the Victoria Centre, Wellingborough, every Friday, 11:30-14:00
– Support group at the Living Centre, Corby, every Tuesday, 09:00-12:00
In addition to the English lessons being offered in Wellingborough on Fridays by the Victoria Centre, there are lessons at the Hope Church on the Hemmingwell and online by NNC:
A Wellingborough-based family learning English class – presently the NNC Family Learning service is running a class at Hope Church on the Hemmingwell Estate. This is on Thursday mornings from 11.30am. There are still places available on this course and it is a face to face session. Anyone wanting to join this should contact the course coordinator, Sarah King by email on sarah.king@northnorthants.gov.uk
Family language group learning – this has already started and people can join at any time. These sessions are all free for anyone who does not have English as their first language, Ukrainian or otherwise and are offered weekly. There are different levels of learning available. This is a non-accredited programme but a good starter class for people new to English. Contact emilia.ratcliffe@northnorthants.gov.uk
Cultural awareness workshops – this programme starts week beginning 23rd May 2022, and provides information and advice about what it’s like to live in the UK, our customs and approaches. These are targeted specifically at helping Ukrainian refugees, regardless of what scheme people are arriving under. It is free to access, and is also non-accredited. Contact emilia.ratcliffe@northnorthants.gov.uk
On 21st May there was the first Kettering support session at Kettering Arts Centre, this was for both hosts and Ukrainian guests, to get support. Have a look at the Kettering Refugee Assistance Facebook page for the next one!
Useful groups to follow:
Wellingborough Ukrainian guests and sponsors | Facebook
Kettering Refugee Assistance | Facebook

For Hosts // Для господарів
Wellingborough has two community centres and a Facebook group to support hosts. The Victoria Centre are offering support sessions, English classes and are there for all Ukrainian guests and sponsors during opening hours for advice and signposting.
Glamis Hall are offering support sessions for guests and hosts, the first of which was on Saturday 7th May, an informal get together for sponsors, their guests and prospective sponsors with information and support offered. English and Ukrainian speakers were available and refreshments provided. Next up is a barbecue…
Have a look at the Wellingborough Ukrainian Guests and Sponsors Facebook group for further details of local events and to seek advice. Events will also be published on our Events Calendar.
Sponsoring Stages
In addition to this page, the admins of the Wellingborough Ukrainian Guests and Sponsors Facebook group have written a Sponsoring Stages guidance page. It’s a step by step process for Ukrainian guests and sponsors, which outlines where to go at whichever stage you are at. Follow the process or click on the links below to get to the section for your current stage.
- Deciding
- Finance
- Registering Interest
- Matching
- Visa
- Preparing your home
- Preparing yourself
- Journey/arrival in the UK
- Arrival at sponsor’s home
- Registration with essential services
- Settling into the area/community
- Getting support and helping each other
- Integration
As with this page, the guidance is being developed all the time, so please watch this space and share it with anyone that needs it. It is full of external links that have been found by the authors and others that have been through the process. More links are also available in the Useful Supporting Information section of this page. If you have a link please do share via the Facebook group or by email. We hope that you find this guide useful!