
Merry Christmas from Wellingborough Organisations Community Forum

There was no Wellingborough Organisations Community Forum today, because we’re having a break for Christmas. So instead of sharing what is happening in January, here is a treat from just before Christmas instead:

On the video watch Malcolm, from Co-op Wincanton Wellingborough, entertain the VIPs at Glamis Hall Day Care Centre by singing lots of old favourite songs, plus he presented a cheque to Glamis Hall for their new roof…

Ride for the Roof

Back in October it was great to cheer cyclists from Co-op Wincanton Wellingborough, who had just completed their Ride for the Roof at Glamis Hall. A team of twelve riders from the distribution centre and Co-ops based in Wellingborough, rode 38 miles in three stages, starting at Market Harborough on the Brampton Way, then round Pitsford Reservoir and after lunch from Thrapston to Wellingborough.

Their ‘Triple Challenge’ finished at Glamis Hall at 4pm, where they were cheered home by staff and trustees from the centre, and volunteers from Wellingborough Eco Group! The roof has also received grant funding and work finished above ECO HUB last week, with lots of new solar panels also installed on it.

Wellingborough Organisations Community Forum

We will be back in the New Year on the last Friday of the month to:

  • Connect people with other people working in Wellingborough.
  • Share what you are doing in our community.

Keep an eye out on and the Wellingborough Organisations Community Forum and Wellingborough Forum Facebook groups for updates. Plus also look at our calendar at to find out What’s on Wellingborough.

Have a great festive break everyone!

Watch August’s Wellingborough Organisations Community Forum and find out ‘What’s on Wellingborough!’

We invite you to watch the Wellingborough Organisations Community Forum which took place this afternoon at 1:00pm; where we invited people to join us either join in on Zoom or in person at ECO HUB, Glamis Hall. The point is to:

  • Join us to connect with other people working in Wellingborough.
  • Share what you are doing in our community.

Thank you to Jo for joining me this time for our Community Forum, which was quiet because we don’t normally do August. Anyone people from across our community can join us, including representatives from churches, charities, businesses, community groups, local government, and people with no affiliation. Watch now on YouTube:

This is networking opportunity for all, the forum is recorded to be shared here, on YouTube, via Wellingborough Organisations and across social media, to publicise what’s on in Wellingborough. Keep an eye out on my socials or at for updates.

Join us next time on Friday 27th September to share what you are doing in October and into autumn, at 1pm for our one hour forum. Come to ECO HUB for tea or coffee from 12:30 and stay until 3pm for refreshments if you wish. The idea of starting earlier is so that those that want to can chat for longer!

We hope you enjoy this recording and find it useful. Please also look at our calendar at to find out What’s on Wellingborough.

Watch this Month’s Wellingborough Organisations Community Forum

and find out ‘What’s on Wellingborough!’

We invite you to watch the Wellingborough Organisations Community Forum which took place at 2:00pm on Friday 24th November 2023; where we invited people to join us either join in on Zoom or in person at ECO HUB, Glamis Hall, NN8 3RU. The point is to:

  • Join us to connect with other people working in Wellingborough.
  • Share what you are doing in our community.
Watch November’s Wellingborough Organisations Community Forum

Thank you to Val, Joanne, Jo, Jenny, Diana, Emma and Clover for joining me this time for our Community Forum. Anyone people from across our community can join us, including representatives from churches, charities, businesses, community groups, local government, and people with no affiliation.

This is networking opportunity for all, each forum will also be recorded and shared here on YouTube, on our website, via Co-op Member Pioneer Wellingborough and across social media, to publicise what’s on in Wellingborough.

Join us next time on Friday 26th January to share what you are doing in February and into spring (there will be no forum in December) at 2 for 40 minutes. We hope you enjoy this recording and find it useful. Please also look at our calendar at to find out What’s on Wellingborough!

Helping Hands

Helping Hands Wellingborough was set up on 19th July 2017, four and a half years ago, by founder Samantha Oakley. Her aim was to create a support network for those in the most urgent need and begin a community helping each other in difficult times.

The group now has 4 admins, Samantha, Gemma, Kat and Catherine; and it has grown to 1800 Facebook members, all listing, requesting and donating unused, outgrown and unwanted items in exchange for food, toiletries and laundry product donations to support the Helping Hands Foodbank facility, which is open to anyone in the Wellingborough area in need.

Here is Kat (group admin) on video, telling all about Helping Hands and their Christmas event

95% of donations are non-perishable food items, tins, packets, boxes and jars, and 5% are cash donations that are put into a community pot to purchase urgent fresh, frozen foods and baby items for those without the ability to do so themselves.

Helping hands also offer a baby and children’s clothes swishing service, run solely by group admin Gemma, where any clean, reusable clothing can be exchanged for the next size. Children’s coats and uniform are always offered for free as these are essentials and no child should ever be without a coat.

Workers at Co-op Wincanton in Wellingborough bought toys for Helping Hands

Helping Hands is a not for profit, volunteer led group, not a charity. No admin receives a wage, expenses or bonuses. They do this because they care for the community, and because it’s the right thing to do in this age where support services are stopped or denied funding.

High Street Hub

After many years of planning, High Street United Reformed Church are embarking on their largest project since the current Church building was opened in 1875. The aim is to make the Church more welcoming and amenable to all the people of the town and beyond. The project received Planning Approval in April 2017 and is fund-raising to make the dream a reality. The Project, with estimated costs of £600,000 consists of four stages:

  1. New external ramp to the front of the Church to allow for an easier, more dignified and inclusive access to those with disabilities and for coffin bearers at funerals.
  2. New glazed door providing an elegant and secure enclosure to the external lobby.
  3. The foyer, under the balcony, will be enclosed by a glazed partition through which you can enter the worship area of the Church. The foyer, which will become the High Street HUB, will be a multi-functional area, separately heated and encasing a servery and a meeting room.
  4. The existing main worship area of the Church will be redecorated.

The most exciting change is to the foyer, creating The High Street HUB. They already hold Coffee mornings daily in the Church, which attract a number of regulars, some of whom are out of work and some are homeless and in need of a safe place for refreshment and a friendly chat, but this could be better.

Creating The HUB will enable the United Reformed Church to offer better services to the local community. With easily heated and adaptable spaces for use by the whole community that are easily accessible by all and right on the High Street!

The HUB will give the church the opportunity do what they currently do and more, with a purpose built servery, offering quality light refreshments; and a meeting room that’s able to seat 40 persons, for small gatherings, for those seeking counsel and for further outreach work.

Wellingborough Swap Shop

Wellingborough Swap Shop is a free and local exchange where members of the public can pass on things they no longer want, in exchange for something they need. You could describe it as a kind of cashless bring-and-buy sale. Participants do not need to bring anything in order to take away goods, and vice versa. Our ‘Swap Shop’ recognises that things no longer wanted by someone, might be another person’s treasure. By reusing things we cut down on the amount of waste that goes into landfill and reduce the amount of resources that we use in manufacturing of new products. And it saves you money!

Wellingborough Eco Group originally set up Wellingborough Swap Shop last year as a Facebook group (join in!) so items can be swapped or shared with others; and in February we started hosting Saturday Swap Shops at the Victoria Centre on Zoom with the One Wellingborough Plus project. In September we started hosting in person Wellingborough Swap Shops at Animals in Need’s Open day. This proved to be very popular, so we decided to have weekly Swap Shops in Glamis Hall’s Community Room during our Tuesday Tidy Ups with Wellie Wombles.

This Tuesday’s Swap Shop promises to be bigger and better than ever! With food surplus from Glamis Hall and Redeem Funds, plus produce from Wellingborough Eco Group’s Community Allotment there’s lots of stuff for all. In Glamis Hall’s Community Room from 2-6 it’s all for swaps or just take anything you want, it’s all free! Find out more here.

Wellingborough Forum online!

Wellingborough’s local forum is for everyone, that’s why we try to make it available for everyone to use. We have reinstalled our online forum, with a simpler, more user friendly program, and added new security features that are easy to use, but protect you from scam bots. Have a look and join in at

Share your activities, publicise your events, promote your services or just chat. Wellingborough Forum is for all, for local people, for businesses, for community organisations and for conservation/eco groups. This is your forum, feel free to share it!

Wellingborough Forum is also available on Facebook at and on Nextdoor at too, plus we will be hosting in person forums in 2022. Watch this space for details. Join in, share and support local people, places and services. We’re looking forward to seeing you post!

Wellingborough Forum Debate – Lockdown

Wellingborough Forum is a discussion group, online and on Facebook to share activities and to debate issues. To start the conversations off, we will be posting a poll at the start of every week; and to start off with we are asking about the lockdown roadmap. Are restrictions being lifted at the right speed? What do you think?

  1. Is the Lockdown roadmap taking us down the right track?
  2. With cases rising in Europe are we moving to quickly?
  3. With the success of our vaccination program are we relaxing rules too slowly?

This is how will lockdown is planned to be lifted in England:

What’s already changed?

  • Schools and colleges have reopened, and university students can return for practical courses
  • Two people from different households can meet outside for recreation, which can include “a coffee on a bench”
  • Care home residents can have one nominated visitor, with testing and social distance precautions

From 29 March:

  • People will be allowed to meet outside, either with one other household or within the “rule of six”, including in private gardens
  • The stay at home rule will end, but the government will urge people to stay local as much as possible
  • Outdoor sport facilities will reopen, including golf courses and tennis and basketball courts, and formally organised outdoor sports can restart
  • Weddings attended by up to six people can take place in any circumstances

Stage two (no earlier than 12 April):

  • All shops allowed to open, along with close-contact services, including hairdressers and beauty salons (including in people’s homes)
  • Restaurants and pubs allowed to serve food and alcohol to customers sitting outdoors
  • Gyms and spas can reopen, as can zoos, theme parks, libraries and community centres
  • Members of the same household can take a holiday in the UK in self-contained accommodation
  • Weddings attended by up to 15 people can take placeA waitress serving food in a pub garden

Stage three (no earlier than 17 May):

  • People can meet in groups of up to 30 outdoors
  • Six people or two households can meet indoors
  • Pubs, restaurants and other hospitality venues can seat customers indoors
  • Up to 30 people can attend weddings or other life events, like christenings
  • Remaining outdoor entertainment, such as outdoor theatres and cinemas can open
  • Indoor entertainment such as museums, theatres, cinemas and children’s play areas can open
  • Performances and large events can restart, but with limits on audience numbers
  • Hotels, hostels and B&Bs can reopenInternational leisure travel may resume
  • Adult indoor group sports and exercise classes can restart

Stage four (no earlier than 21 June):

  • All legal limits on social contact will be removed
  • No legal limits on the number of people who can attend weddings, funerals and other life events
  • Nightclubs will be allowed to reopen

What are the four tests for easing restrictions?

Each stage will be a minimum of five weeks apart and four conditions must be met at each stage before proceeding to the next one:

  1. The coronavirus vaccine programme continues to go to plan
  2. Vaccines are sufficiently reducing the number of people dying or needing hospital treatment
  3. Infection rates do not risk a surge in hospital admissions
  4. New coronavirus variants do not fundamentally change the risk of lifting restrictions

Please choose one of the options online or on Facebook, and if you want to share why, add a comment.

Community Resilience Forum

It goes without saying just how challenging the times we live in are for people and organisations right now, and we want to thank you for everything you or your organisation have done to help the people of Wellingborough during the pandemic.

We at One Wellingborough Plus know the importance of having strong connections across and within our communities, and we can also see the enormous strain the impacts of the ‘Covid Crisis’ have had on our lives and our personal and community connectedness.  So much of what we have been used to as people, families and communities has fallen away in our combined efforts to tackle this virus.

However, this period has also witnessed inspiring personal and community action, with so many people and groups selflessly stepping forward to help or to lead in these difficult times.

Back in July 2020 some local people and groups came together to see how we might work to help each of us after the pandemic.  Many of us expected we would now be in the ‘recovery’ phase for our community.  Unfortunately, this is not so.   But even as some of the immediate challenges of Covid-19 may soon gradually begin to lift, all of us are left to pick up the pieces and try and cope with the legacy.

Coping with Our Present and Building for Our Future

For some of us this is coping with the loss of a loved one, or still recovering from the illness itself, coping with losing a job and much needed income, coping with family stress or an interrupted education, or just feeling safe enough to try and come out of our homes back to life.  The road we have to climb is considerable, and it is going to require an enormous effort from all of us to help lift us ‘up’ again and also to ensure no one is left behind.

Prior to Covid-19, many people in our area were already struggling, now this number has considerably increased.  We want to invite you to join us in working to create ways to continue to help people cope now and to work together to ensure that the future for all of us in this Borough is so much brighter than it has been.

One Wellingborough Plus – Community Resilience Project

One Wellingborough Plus is a project that has been funded by the Borough Council of Wellingborough and Power to Change CCLORS Project, to help build community resilience in our area.  The project is a partnership of local organisations led by the Victoria Centre with the support of Dostiyo, Wellingborough Eco Group, GLJ Theatre, Karon’s Support Services.  These organisations are providing a range of services and activities that help people cope at this testing time.

This project was borne out of the successful collaboration between Victoria Centre and Glamis Hall to create the One Wellingborough urgent community response service, which has been operating since April 2020, and has helped more than 1,000 vulnerable people get the urgent help they need.

If you would like to find out more about One Wellingborough Plus and the many actions we are already taking to help build personal and community resilience then please, visit our website at or on our Facebook page at

Creating a ‘Community Resilience Forum’

The main aim of the One Wellingborough Plus Community Resilience Project is to bring people and groups from across the borough together, to hear people’s concerns and ideas, and see what practical steps we can take to collectively help to meet some of the emerging needs, and provide some coordination and direction for our efforts where possible. 

One Wellingborough Plus partners invite you to a series of ‘Community Resilience forums’ that we are hosting for local people and organisations to work on community resilience planning.  These Community Resilience Forums are on Zoom for us all to discuss how to help people in the borough during and after the pandemic. 

Do join us for our first Community Resilience Forum on Friday 26th February at 2:00pm.

To take part register at If you have any questions email or if you prefer to talk to Jonathan, call 07311 705705.  If English is your second language you can call Jaya on Wednesdays and Fridays between 10am and 3pm on 07977 558898.

We also recommend that you register as a user of Wellingborough Forum (if you haven’t already?) and join in on the online Community Resilience Forum.

One Wellingborough Plus Partners include:

Saturday Swap Shop

Do you have anything you want to swap or are you looking to give something away?

Live on Zoom, Wellingborough’s first ‘Saturday Swap Shop’ will be hosted by Wellingborough Eco Group at the Victoria Centre. They will have a selection of items to swap and invite you to swap with them and others on Saturday 20th February, between 10:30 and 12:00 midday. It’s going to be fun and it’s free!

Wellingborough Swap Shop is a free and local exchange where members of the public can pass on things they no longer want, in exchange for something they need. You could describe it as a kind of cashless bring-and-buy sale. Participants do not need to bring anything in order to take away goods, and vice versa.

Saturday Swap Shop is at the Victoria Centre, but due to lockdown, this is a Zoom only event. Wellingborough Eco Group will be using their Facebook Group and their forum to share pictures, start posting today or you can simply just hold up you item(s) during the event.

What you offer is entirely up to you, as long as it’s legal, not hazardous or not a pet. Examples include: books, DVDs and CDs, kitchenware, pictures, tools, gardening items, curtains and other soft furnishings, children’s toys and baby items.

Register for the event at Wellingborough Eco Group’s Blog